Hello Everyone
I love this quote that popped up today in the diary to commence this week: How will you make this week wonderful?
Yes, it is Thursday already, and we are just home from our QUT exercises. I have probably mentioned once or twice that it is not my favourite hour of the week. I must admit I have changed my attitude since realizing how much we are assisting our students with their courses. It is surprising how quickly the six-week session with each student goes. Today was week six of our current session, so we will each have a new student to work with next week. It is certainly an excellent program that gives students the opportunity to learn good communication skills.
On the weather front, we have had so much rain here in Brisbane. We are still having showers almost every night. With the sun moving to different angles, it is hard for the garden to dry out. We are noticing with the cooler weather how the growth of the hedges is slowing down. John is not complaining about this.
We said farewell to my sister and husband on Tuesday as they headed to Boston to spend time with their family. My sister texted when they arrived and said the trip from leaving their car at the airport to arriving in Boston was 28 hours. Australia is such a long distance away when it comes to travelling. They will spend three weeks with the family and will love seeing all the spring bulbs and blossoms in full bloom. It is a beautiful time of the year to be in that part of the world.
With the garden slowing down, I am back in the kitchen making delicious soups for these cooler months. I love this opportunity. I made yummy cauliflower and potato soup yesterday. The next shopping trip will see pumpkin and leeks on the list. While I have so many special recipes locked away, I must admit I now take the easier approach and call on Mr Google to find the most suitable recipe. We seem to rely on him for so many things these days.
As we turned back the clock, I loved reading a story about the Hills Hoist Clothesline in a magazine this week. How many of you remember and, in fact, had one? They were an icon of the 50's. We all had to have one. In fact, they were so much a place in Australian History that I remember them being featured in the closing ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. With smaller house blocks to build on these days, the good old Hills Hoist has taken a back seat. I must admit I am a little old-fashioned when it comes to the washing, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see the white sheets on the clothesline flapping in the sunshine. My sisters and I remember so clearly the old copper Mum had, the blue rinsing water and the dish of starch under the clothesline. It was a Saturday morning ritual, and we were not allowed to go anywhere before all the washing was on the Hills Hoist. Funny how these memories are so treasured.
Our smiles for this week; - I asked a supermarket employee where they kept the canned peaches. He said, “I’ll see,” and walked away. I asked another and he also said, "I'll see." And walked away. In the end, I gave up and found them myself in Aisle C.
So, my neighbour knocked on my front door at 3 a.m.! 3 a.m.!!! Luckily, I was already up playing the bagpipes.
Thank you for your continued support and feedback on our blogs. We love sharing our week and hearing similarities with your weeks.
Let's remember this week – "Don't let the behaviours of others destroy your inner Peace." Dalai Lama
About The Author
I have been with Nutrimetics for 35 rewarding years. As a Presidential Director, I am proud to lead a vast team of incredible people. Proud mother of two and doting granny to 6 beautiful grandkids Devoted wife to my loving husband of 52 years, John . An avid gardener and self-confessed flower lover. My greatest garden though has been in real life, nourishing and helping others to grow and achieve greatness.
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