Hello Everyone
Today I have been thinking about what I have learnt and what I have passed on to others to help them while we have been bound to our homes.
Reflecting, I believe it has been a wonderful learning experience. I realise we could have done without the alarm bells surrounding the virus, but when you think about being at home for so long, I think you will agree like myself we have set ourselves new challenges and come out of them with rewarding experiences.
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Booker T.Washington
Right from my first day in Nutrimetics, my life has been about Learning and Teaching. Life is just the same. We pass on our learning to our children the same as our parents did for us. The principle is not foreign to us. Think about it when you start a new business you want to see it grow and expand.
“Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.” Kevin Kruse.
Our initial training with the business was held at our home. We had a double garage which we decorated with floor covering, photos, Nutrimetics posters and a giant Team board. It was an essential part of us starting out. Once I had the diary filled with facials, workshops, bookings and appointments along with family commitments, it was all go to get the Training room up and running.
There were lots of fond memories. John had a fold away Table Tennis Table so we took that out each Monday Night and our consultants and their guests would sit around the table and simply feel, try, touch and experience the beautiful products. Consultants were encouraged to bring along a model so they could practice their make-up skills. It was also a Team building exercise as the majority of the consultants would go home with a new member in their team having introduced and welcomed their Model. I made sure we kept it as simple as possible. It was important the entire process was duplicable, and I followed this same process at my workshops and parties.
The basic three-step process of cleanse, tone and moisturise was always popular. The models were going home ready for bed, and it was John's responsibility to ensure they would receive a cup of tea or coffee along with a treat before they left. We covered colour training, feet products, skincare, family care products, and this eventually led into holding 6 week Beauty Courses. These were lots of fun in the garage Training Room, and we outgrew this area very quickly and had to move on to larger premises.
We all had so much fun learning together while watching our team grow with the business momentum happening. It is important to never underestimate the willingness for people to learn and grow and not to be afraid to pass on our learning and experiences. When we share the opportunity that was shared with us, we practice the company motto "Helping people to help other people."
I still love the training side of our business. I love helping our myriad of teams and individuals with support and assistance. Our Horizon Club is a perfect example of this ongoing training. It is offered to our consultants, who want to reach out and go beyond the Horizon. The Club was formed many years ago. We were on one of our company's International Seminars. We were blessed to be staying on the Horizon Club floor, which gave me the inspiration to think about those who wanted to reach higher. We have seen so many of our leaders and Managers develop in this Club over the years.
We hold the Club once a month, and over the years it has been one of my best momentum builders watching our people move onto higher positions in our team. It is always a fun morning. Lots of laughs, yummy morning tea and lots and lots of valuable information shared as we learn and continue to grow together.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
Maybe you have been considering a change or would perhaps love an additional interest. Give me a call on 0408 848068, so I can give you the information for you to be able to make an informed decision. With the virus rules loosening up, we should be back able to meet together personally before too long. At the moment we are meeting regularly via our Zoom calls and of course for those of you who are ready to expand and grow you are most welcome to come join us.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover." Mark Twain
Until next week take care and stay safe.
Love Annette
About The Author
Annette French, I have been with Nutrimetics for 35 rewarding years. As a Presidential Director, I am proud to lead a vast team of incredible people.
Proud mother of two and doting granny to 6 beautiful grandkids
Devoted wife to my loving husband of 52 years, John.
An avid gardener and self-confessed flower lover. My greatest garden though has been in real life, nourishing and helping others to grow and achieve greatness.
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