Hi Everyone
We send greetings to you all on this the first day of April.
And from Louise Hay – April
This month I pay close attention to the words I say and work to make them as positive and affirming as possible. For example, I no longer use the word should, which implies that something is wrong. Instead, I use could, which give me a choice. Such a shift illustrates how any thought can be changed to one that empowers and uplifts, prompting Life to bring me experiences to match.
And for the first day of April – I love and cherish my inner child, and joyfully keep it safe at the centre of my being.
How are you all bearing up under our isolation conditions?
What we are all needing now is an injection of hope. So remember as Louise Hay so nicely puts it- "That whatever we hear and whatever we read we have choices. Choices how we react, choices how we respond and what attitude we have towards it.
After two weeks now in self-isolation, John and I have decided to keep an open mind and take a long term view, so we are not getting concerned by what happens on a day to day basis. I can remember John telling the children a story as we were driving many years ago. All the kids wanted to do was pass the car in front of us. So we did, and John said to the children "Look we passed that car but look now there is another car in front."
I’m sure with our strict guidelines and being vigilante we will see this virus run its course. So look at the big picture. You don’t have to be passing car after car as you know there is a bright future ahead. It's like my finance guys keep telling us in regards to the Share Market “Hang in there Annette. We are here for the long term.”
Looking at the French Fantastic team over the past month, I can see what goal setting and focusing can do. We have had some amazing growth. So many of the team have adjusted to the new platform and how we can continue to be of service and have been justly rewarded.
Annie Spinks is well on her way to becoming a Manager. We celebrated with her and Warren and the rest of the Horizon Club via Zoom on Social Media on Tuesday night. Annie is so excited and receiving great support from Warren. We were also thrilled to acknowledge Selina Ward for her elevation to Group Leader. Love your work and commitment, Annie and Selina.
The $1000 Star Box continues to be the Honey Pot for so many with Janet Kan, Helen Smeulders, Dianne French, Carol Elliott, Annie Spinks, Debbie West, Maureen Watson, Kathryn Hammond, Selina Ward and Sue Savage all being achievers.
April can really be Party Time month. No one has gone away for holidays. Everyone is looking for something to do. It is a golden opportunity for us to make it Fun Time. Work with your Social Media platform. It may have to be one-on-one via our platforms, but it will work.
Give the Mums the chance to relax and spend a little time away from the kids.
Mother’s Day is only a month away so be ready for our next brochure which I am sure will have many features for that very special person in our lives – Our Mums.
Let's also remember that we celebrate and recognize Anzac Day this month. It will be interesting how we commemorate this year. John and I will be looking at social media once again. I am sure there will be dawn services that will be broadcast and allow us to be part of the services even though we can’t be present.
We held our first church service last Sunday via FB live. It brought a chuckle to our son Mark in NZ when I was telling him about John and I in the office singing away to the hymns with the folk who were in church. We are not exactly songsters but enjoyed the opportunity to participate from our home.
Looking ahead, April is shaping up to be busy but filled with lots of fun.
Go safely everybody - I will keep in touch on a regular basis and remember communication is a two-way street. I am only a phone call away 0408848068.
Let's use this time to show gratitude for so many things that we take for granted on a daily basis.
Until next week take care, stay safe and happy
About The Author
Annette French, I have been with Nutrimetics for 35 rewarding years. As a Presidential Director, I am proud to lead a vast team of incredible people.
Proud mother of two and doting granny to 6 beautiful grandkids
Devoted wife to my loving husband of 52 years, John.
An avid gardener and self-confessed flower lover. My greatest garden though has been in real life, nourishing and helping others to grow and achieve greatness.
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