Hello Special People
Happiness is…….
"A man once told Buddha, "I want happiness. The Buddha replied, "First remove the "I" that is ego. Then remove the "Want" that is desire. And now all you are left with is Happiness." Anonymous
This reminds me that happiness is always a choice. The only things standing between me and happiness are my ego and my tendency to want to control my surroundings. Rather than deciding that I can be happy only if I get my way. I can decide that I would rather be happy than right. Happiness is my choice. I remember so clearly always asking the grandchildren when there was a disagreement – do you want to be kind, or do you want to be right? They were always quick to remind me when I wanted to prove a point – Granny, do you want to be kind, or do you want to be right?
As we prepare the blog each week, we chat about what we can share with each of you, and today, our choice was "Happiness."
We are in the process of upgrading the smoke detectors, and when the electrician came to check our existing detectors, he had to turn off the power. Oh no! Returning to the office, I found my screen saver on the computer had vanished into something completely different. The slightest change with the computer for me tends to be immediate drama. So, a chat with Mr Google on how to find and install a new screen saver from my saved photos and "Be Happy" seemed to jump out. I love it, and each time I come into the office, this beautiful message greets me.
What are the things that make us happy? Today for us it was our first walk in the park for almost six months. I have not been able to walk distances since I hurt my foot at Jack's graduation in those stilettos. It was so beautiful this morning. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the parks looked like a picture. I snapped a couple of photos to share. Look closely at the single tree, and you will see the Kookaburra sitting on the branch guarding her nest. The birds were singing at their best as we strolled through the park. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy Mother Nature at our back door, and sometimes we take these blessings for granted.
Happiness is………….. Walking the opposite way to us was a young father with his little girl in the pram, their family dog and tucked up in front of him in the baby carrier was the tiniest little baby. I made the comment, "That is a tiny wee miracle," and he immediately stopped and said, "Yes, he is only six weeks old. Would you like to see him?" He was so proud and happy to give us the brief background of the family and thank us for our congratulations.
This week, we prepare to leave Autumn and prepare for the Winter days ahead, integrating our daily and seasonal routines in alignment with Mother Nature's cycles. We are already enjoying yummy soups; this week it was roasted pumpkin, and pea, and ham. Yesterday, we enjoyed a delicious baked duck leg with pomegranate. Mr Google always has a great variety of recipes to adapt to the respective season.
For me my happy place is the garden and being able to have the beautiful flowers in our home. As the seasons change, so does the garden, and we are enjoying the lilies, cyclamens, and geraniums at the moment.
I guess to close this week, the secret of being Happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most of every day.
We send the happiest blessings to each of you from our home to your home and remember to be kind to you.
Love Annette
About The Author
I have been with Nutrimetics for 35 rewarding years. As a Presidential Director, I am proud to lead a vast team of incredible people. Proud mother of two and doting granny to 6 beautiful grandkids Devoted wife to my loving husband of 52 years, John . An avid gardener and self-confessed flower lover. My greatest garden though has been in real life, nourishing and helping others to grow and achieve greatness.
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